When it comes to donating money versus donating supplies to people in need, there is no one right answer. One big issue with sending supplies instead of money is that sending supplies, such as electronics, often costs more than the value of the item being shipped. Additionally, it is extremely difficult to anticipate what is most useful to those in need without being there in person.
Well-meaning donors often send supplies to impoverished areas that go unused due to items never arriving to the actual people who need them. In cases of locations where there has been a natural disaster or catastrophic event, the time and effort it takes to effectively coordinate donations for victims are simply not there. However, if one is able to clarify through a trustworthy contact at the site exactly what type of supplies are useful, sending items can make a big difference to people in a time of crisis. If one is traveling abroad to a location in crisis to volunteer, it is best to wait until arrival to determine what supplies are most useful to the community, instead of bringing supplies straight from home that may not be needed.
Giving money is a common way of helping to make a difference in others’ lives, but certain precautions must be taken when donating money. For example, it is tempting to give cash to the homeless, but some believe giving money this way only perpetuates a cycle that will end in people staying on the street. No one can really know if the money donated in these cases will be used to actually help the person or just feed the habit that caused them to become homeless in the first place. It is also crucial to carefully vet organizations before giving money in support of a cause. Only donate to organizations who are certified non-profits, have a good reputation, and where there will be someone to oversee the collection and allocation of the funds to ensure the money actually gets to the people in need.
When donating money or supplies, both are helpful, but the decision to do one or the other is up to the individual donor and the particular community in need that they are helping out.