To a family who loses their home due to a house fire, even the smallest gestures of help and kindness go a long way. Experiencing a house fire is beyond tragic, and can seem impossible to recover from. There are many simple ways that you can help someone recover from a tragedy like this, and every little bit counts.

  1. Help them find a place to stay, or even offer up your couch or a spare bedroom if you have one. After losing everything they own, it would be a huge relief knowing that they still have somewhere to sleep.
  2. If they have pets, offer to help take care of them. Depending on where they are staying, pets may not be allowed.
  3. Bring them daily essential items- shampoo, soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, etc.
  4. Cook them a nice cozy dinner! Invite them to your house, or you could even cook and bring it to them. Either one would be greatly appreciated.
  5. Help them stock up on clothing. Nobody wants to stay in the same clothes day after day, so having a fresh pair of pants and some new socks can be a big help.
  6. Offer to run errands for or with them. Chances are they will be busy taking care of a mile-long to-do list, and you could help by checking off the grocery shopping task.
  7. Give them gift cards to local restaurants. It may not seem like much, but a night out to eat without worrying about the bill could be just what that family needs.
  8. If they have children, get them a few inexpensive toys and stuffed animals. This can bring a huge sense of comfort for both the parents and the children.
  9. Volunteer to babysit or help by taking their children to and from school. Obviously riding the bus will not be an option during that time, so offer to help by driving them.
  10. Ask and listen. It may just be that they need someone to talk to and someone to listen. Be the ear and the shoulder that they need during this difficult time. It can be hard to ask for help, but if you listen, chances are they will tell you what they need without even knowing it.